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From CKRAS Wiki

Revision as of 16:15, 26 March 2014 by Ckras (talk | contribs) (→‎Payment)


Welcome at CKRAS WIKI.

This WIKI help you with the administration of your Gameserver, Voiceserver, Bouncer, Webhosting, Cloud, GamingCloud. We´ll show you themost important features and will give you tips on the operation on the Webinterface.

CKRAS - About


Webworks Germany aka CKRAS, was founded on 02. April 2001 by Christian Pritschet. has established itself over the years as a premium provider for Gameserver, Voiceserver and Hosting.

CKRAS uses the latest server technolgy and all server are connected with at least 1 Gbit, for the best Gaming-Performance.


favourite games

info for your server


Voiceserver allow you to stay connect with your clan, guild or friends. The CKRAS Voiceserver can be up to 250 SLots. You don´t know what Voiceserver is the best for you? Here we can recommend our Testserver for Mumble, Teamspeak or Ventrilo.


TV-Server allow you that many viewers can watch a match of your team.


Webhosting is the provision of Webspace and Accomodation (Hosting) Webpage on the Webserver, on our CKRAS Servers in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). CKRAS off you different webspace packages that promise now up to 1000 % more storage.


GamingCloud - Backup


CKRAS offers you a variety of different payment Methos. This allows each customer to select the most fitting payment and you can also change the payment method during the contract time .

Lastschriftverfahren ELV Paypal Überweisung Paysafecard NEU Sofort-Überweisung NEU

Order at

Hier findet ihr ein paar Hinweise die ihr bei einer Bestellung auf beachten müsst.


Wie verwalte ich die CKRAS-Dienstleistungen im Webinterface?



CKRAS bezieht ihrem Strombedarf zu 100% aus klimaneutralem Ökostrom, zertifiziert von dem OK-Power Label der Verbraucherzentrale NRW sowie dem Ökoinstitut Freiburg. Wir beziehen somit sämtlichen Stromverbrauch des Rechenzentrums, durch regenerative Energie. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass es uns gelungen ist, gemeinsam mit unserem Energieversorger, der Energieversorgung Offenbach AG, eine solche Lösung in einem wirtschaftlichen Rahmen zu erbringen, ohne dass hier eine weitere Mehrbelastungen für unsere Kunden entsteht.