
CKRAS offers you as a customer different ways to order a gameserver. Here are 3 different gameserver types / categories offered, which are explaint in more detail below.
Gameserver form CKRAS distinguished by the excellent SSH-Protect and through their ESL Gameserver Zertifikat. Each Gameserver can be easily managed in the Webinterface, in this case the customer can choose beetwen a variety of free games, install it independently, mange, stop and repair unless needed.
Who doesn´t like want to buy a pig in a poke, may also like to request a free exclusive Testserver for the game you want.


>> Counterstrike 2 Gameserver <<

We divide our gameservers into three different performance categories, which we call Entry, Extreme and Extreme Plus. As one of the best and most established gameserver providers in Europe, we guarantee perfect quality at every performance level. The Extreme Plus is the premium product and is designed for the most ambitious teams.
Entry | Extreme | Extreme Plus |

Play all Counterstrike titles on your CKRAS gameserver.
CS2 | CS:GO | CS:S | CS 1.6 | ||||

Find the most common and important guides for your gameserver
CKRAS BOT | MatchZy | Workshop | Updates | ||||
GSLT | Webinterface | PreFire | Testserver |