ESL Plugin

From CKRAS Wiki

Revision as of 14:38, 27 March 2014 by Ckras (talk | contribs)

What is ESL Plugin


The ESL plugin should help to prevent server-side hacks
Always the most current server configs
Test whether run "unauthorized" Plugins

CKRAS also offers all customers already have a very secure SSH-Protect for all Gameserver, so in addition to the ESL-Plugin from our side, the highest level of security can be granted.

ESL Plugin available Games

CS:GO (CounterStrike Global Offensive)
CS:S (CounterStrike Source)

How do I install the ESL Plugin

The plugin is easily installed in the webinterface, in addition to - go "gameserver> Edit", click activate on ESL plugin and the game server restart.

Webinterface click to "activate" (Example)

Plugin aktivieren.png

Commands ESL Plugin

Currently, the ESL plugin is available for CS:GO and [CounterStrike_Source], the respective commands we have linked to you on the WIKI pages of the Games.
ESL COMMANDS: CounterStrike_Source


- Testserver

Mainarticle: Gameserver
ESL Plugin Mainpage