Hier findet du die wichtigsten Befehle und Hilfe für ShootMania Gameserver. Admin Befehle, SSH-Protect, Webinterface
Spiel Informationen
Editor: Ubisoft & Nadeo
Erscheinungstermin: TBA 2012
Beschreibung: Just like its sister games TrackMania 2 and the as of yet unreleased QuestMania, it will feature 3 different environments, of which two have so far been revealed; a snow-based environment called Cryo, and another called Storm. Storm is set to be released first, with Cryo released approximately a year later.
Cryo/Storm: Cryo, and another called Storm. Storm is set to be released first, with Cryo released approximately a year later.
game_mode Spielmodus 0 = Script 1 = Rounds 2 = TimeAttack 3 = Team 4 = Laps 5 = Cup 6 = Stunts (demnächst verfügbar)
ShootMania GameServer registrieren
1.) Installiere dir das gewünschte Spiel in diesem Fall ShootMania im Webinterface "Gameserver-> Spiele" 2.) Gehe auf 3.) Datei:create_server_shootmania.jpg 4.) Datei:create_server_shootmania2.jpg 5.) Datei:create_server_shootmania3.jpg 6.) Trage die Settings in der dedicated_cfg.txt ein Datei:create_server_shootmania4.jpg Datei:create_server_shootmania5.jpg 7.) Starte den ShootMania CKRAS Gameserver im Webinterface 8.) Viel Spaß
Configuration Server
The configuration of the server
This section is the most important whatever the game that you want to do, you must complete this part. We'll detail the principals parts are located in the markers between : "<server_options>...</server_options>"
Between the chevrons "><" you must insert the name of the server that you want to see displayed. The server will not start without a name.
You can insert the description to the server here. This one will be displayed to the player when he will choose to see the information of your dedicated.
This marker indicate the number of players authorized to connect to your server.
Fill this field only if you want to put a password for the players. Feel free to use any password that you want.
As for the number of players, here you decide the hosting capacity of your dedicated in term of spectators.
As for the players, you can restraint the access of the spectators via a password.
Admin Befehle
Player commands
/nextmap - See the next map in the rotation
Admin commands
Map/game management:
/skip - Ends the current map and skips to the next one in the rotation /findmap <search> - Find a map from a partial string match /changemap <map> - Ends the current map and changes to the one you choose. Requires the full name of the map - use /findmap to find it. /getmodesettings - Dumps all of the settings for the current game mode to your chat box. Press "C" to maximize the chat if you can't see all of them at once. /setmodesettings <key> <value> - Set a setting for the game mode. Usually doesn't take effect until the next round, or sometimes match/map.
Player management:
/kick <player> - Kick a player. Uses the login name of the player. /autobalance - Auto balances teams. Be warned, tho: auto balance is dumb as all hell, and if you have a two-slot different between teams (like 6v8), it's not going to do the sane thing of just taking one guy from the larger team and moving it over, it's going to respawn like four dudes for no reason. /scramble - Randomly shuffles around the players on each team.
Server management:
/setservername <name> /setpassword <password> and /clearpassword
/echo <message> - Echo a message to the server as "[Server] Words!". Useful when you wanna look all authoritative.
Diese Einstellung findet man hier: UserData/Maps/MatchSettings/
Befehle: chat_time Dauer der Podiumssequenz finish_timeout Restzeit für das Fahren nach der ersten Zieleinfahrt in Sekunden Sonderwert: 1 = Automatische Anpassung der Restzeit an Streckenlänge allwarmupduration Anzahl an Aufwärmrunden disablerespawn Zurücksetzen des Fahrzeugs deaktivieren forceshowallopponents Ausblenden der Gegner deaktivieren rounds_pointslimit Benötigte Punktzahl für den Sieg im Rounds-Spielmodus rounds_usenewrules Alternative Regeln für den Rounds-Spielmodus verwenden rounds_pointslimitnewrules Benötigte Punktzahl für den Sieg bei alternativen Regeln im Rounds-Spielmodus team_maxpoints Anzahl an erfolgreichen Runden eines Teams für den Sieg im Team-Spielmodus timeattack_limit Dauer einer Streckenlaufzeit in Tausendstel-sekunden im TimeAttack-Spielmodus laps_nblaps Festgestellte Anzahl an Runden pro Strecke im Laps-Spielmodus map: file Pfad zur Streckendatei Startpfad ist UserData/Maps Bei dem Hinzufügen von Strecken ist die Angabe der UID der Streckendatei (das <ident>-Element) nicht notwendig.
- EPS Server - EPS_PLUS_Server - Smartline_-_Entry_Server - Testserver
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