Day of Defeat: Source
Hier findet du die wichtigsten Befehle und Hilfe für deinen Gameserver mit dem Spiel Team Fortress 2: RCON-Befehle, SSH-Protect, Webinterface
Spiel Informationen
Editor: Valve Software
Erscheinungstermin: 26. September 2005
Beschreibung: Day of Defeat offers intense online action gameplay set in Europe during WWII. Assume the role of infantry, sniper or machine-gunner classes, and more. DoD:S features enhanced graphics and sounds design to leverage the power of Source, Valve's new engine technology.
RCON Befehle
rcon_password [rconpassword] Logs you in as admin
addip [ipaddress] Add an IP address to the ban list.
banid [userid] Add a user ID to the ban list.
changelevel [mapname] Change server to the specified map (see maps command above to find out mapnames).
kick [username/userid/userslot] Kick a player by slot, userid or name.
killserver Shutdown the server.
listid Lists banned users.
listip List IP addresses on the ban list.
writeid Writes a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg.
writeip Save the ban list to banned_ip.cfg.
maxplayers [playernumber] Change the maximum number of players allowed on this server.
mp_allowspectators [0,1] Toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not.
mp_chattime [seconds] Amount of time players can chat after the game is over.
mp_fraglimit [frags] Frag limit for deathmatch games.
mp_friendlyfire [0,1] If set to 1, friendly fire is enabled.
mp_timelimit [minutes] Game time per map in minutes.
mp_weaponstay [0,1] If set to 1, weaponstay is enabled
password [password] Current server access password.
rcon [command] Issue an rcon command.
rcon_password [password] remote console password.
removeid [userid] Remove a user ID from the ban list.
removeip [userip] Remove an IP address from the ban list.
retry Retry connection to last server.
say [string] Display player message
say_team [string] Display player message to team.
spec_player [playername] Spectate player by name.
sv_alltalk [0,1] Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions if set to 1.
sv_password [password] Server password for entry into multiplayer games.
sv_specnoclip [0,1] If set to 1, spectators cannot fly through objects.
sv_timeout [seconds] Number of seconds without a message from a client before client is dropped.
sv_voiceenable [0,1] Enable voice on the server.
users Show user info for players on server.
zBlock Befehle
zBlock für Day of Defeat Source, leider nicht verfügbar
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