CounterStrike Source

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Hier findet du die wichtigsten Befehle und Hilfe für CounterStrike 1.6. RCON-Befehle, SSH-Protect

Spiel Informationen

thumb|upright=2.0|rechts Editor: Valve Software
Erscheinungstermin: 1. November 2004
Beschreibung: THE NEXT INSTALLMENT OF THE WORLD'S # 1 ONLINE ACTION GAME Counter-Strike: Source blends Counter-Strike's award-winning teamplay action with the advanced technology of Source™ technology. Featuring state of the art graphics, all new sounds, and introducing physics, Counter-Strike: Source is a must-have for every action gamer.

RCON Befehle

zBlock Befehle

- Displays important server settings.

- Displays connected players net-settings (rates, interpolation, prediction, lag compensation).

- Displays version of zBlock currently installed on the server.

- Counter-Strike: Source Only & Warmode Only
- Displays ready and not-ready players when using the ready-up system.

- Displays a list of players authenticated by a configured auth-host (zb_authhost).

- Displays information regarding questionable server configuration.

- Counter-Strike: Source Only & Warmode Only
- Displays the team money situation (We recommend your caller binds this command to a key).
- i.e. bind "F1" "zb_teamcash"
- Note: Only usable during freeze-time and when "zb_allowcashcalling" is enabled.


zb_warmode (Default: 0)
- Counter-Strike Source Only
- Enables/Disable zBlock Warmode
- Public servers should set this to "0" (zb_warmode 0).
- Competitive / Match servers should set this to "1".
- Note: See below for complete warmode based changes.

zb_matchconfig (Default: None)
- Match config to be executed before initiating the live on 3 sequence
- Note: To reset this value using rcon use: rcon zb_matchconfig " "

zb_readyup_max (Default: 10)
- Counter-Strike Source Only
- The minimum number of players required to be ready to initiate live-on-three

zb_startmoney (Default: 800)
- Counter-Strike Source Only
- The amount that the starting money should be returned to after the live on 3 sequence is completed
- Note:This is to prevent players from regaining full money by using "retry" in the second round of overtime

zb_authhost (Default: NONE)
- Configures the auth-host to use with zBlock.
- Changing this setting will re-authenticate all existing players in the server and continue to authenticate new players who join.
(Please see our article on "Player Authentication" at our website for more details).
- Note: To reset this value using rcon use: rcon zb_authhost " " OR rcon zb_authhost NONE

zb_autoupdate (Default: 1)
- Enable/Disable zBlock plugin auto-updating.
- Note: Updates can be downloaded manually using the server command "zb_update"
- Note: Automatic updates are never downloaded whilst players are connected to the server.

zb_allowcashcalling (Default: 1)
- Counter-Strike: Source Only
- Enable/Disable Team money calling with "zb_teamcash"
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled / 2 = Allow automatic cash calling
- To use automatic cash calling clients must use the command "setinfo zb_wantautocashcalling 1"

zb_dosprotect (Default: 1)
- Protects the game-server from several network level attacks.
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled

zb_crashblock (Default: 1)
- Protects the game-server from several known crash exploits.
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled

zb_deadvoice (Default: 1)
- Counter-Strike: Source Only
- When enabled dead players can chat to living members of their team using the in-game voice system.
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled

zb_antispeedhack (Default: 1)
- Prevents the use of client cheats which manipulate the games view of time.
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled / 2 = Enabled and Kick.

zb_checkviewangles (Default: 1)
- Prevents the use of cheats which distort the players view-angles.
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled.

zb_ignoreplayerqueries (Default: 0)
- When enabled the server will ignore queries which ask for the names of the players connected.
- This is for use in high-profile competitive matches where players do not wish their whereabouts to be known.
- We highly recommend this is kept disabled (default).
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled.

zb_antispam_max_cmds_per_sec (Default: 5)
- Blocks command spam attempts.
- We are currently tweaking the effects of this feature. A setting of 4-6 appears to be adequate.

zb_removals (Default: 0)
- When set to "1" all junk props are removed from the map.
- When set to "2" it removes all oil drums.
- When set to "3" it removes both oil drums and junk.
Best combined with the client setting "cl_phys_props_enable 0".

zb_illegaldefusefix (Default: 0)
- Counter-Strike: Source Only
- When enabled you are unable to defuse unless you can see the bomb and a message is displayed telling you so.
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled.

zb_antiflash (Default: 1)
- Counter-Strike: Source Only
- When enabled players who are under the full effect of a flashbang will be unable to see other players by cheating to remove the white screen effect.
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled.

zb_antismoke (Default: 0)
- Counter-Strike: Source Only
- When enabled players who are stood in the middle of a bloomed smoke grenade are not visible by the use of exploits.
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled.

zb_force_dx (Default: 0)
- Counter-Strike: Source Only / Warmode Only
- When set to "1" players must use a DirectX9 video mode (resolves ambient occlusion issues).
- When set to "2" players must use a DirectX8 video mode (stronger flashbang effect).
- Note: 0 = Disabled.

zb_bancheaters (Default: 1)
- When enabled confirmed cheaters will be banned.
- When disabled they are kicked.
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled.

zb_forwardbans (Default: 1)
- When enabled bans made by zBlock will be forwarded to SourceBans if that plugin is also running (
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled.

zb_crouchfix (Default: 0)
- Counter-Strike: Source Only
- When enabled players must wait until they're standing to crouch again.
- Note: 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled.

zb_fadetoblack (Default: 1)
- Counter-Strike: Source Only
- When enabled "mp_fadetoblack 1" is forced and dead players sound is disabled.

zb_maxnamechanges (Default: 3)
- The total number of name changes a player is allowed to make in the time "zb_namechangeperiod"
- Note: 0=unlimited/disabled

zb_namechangeperiod (Default: 300)
- The number of seconds between tracked name changes (over which "zb_maxnamechanges" applies")

zb_kicknamethieves (Default: 0)
- When enabled players are removed if they have a name very similar or identical to an existing player (on joining or on name change).
- Note: This defaults to disabled. (0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled)

zb_dramaticheadshots (Default: 0)
- Counter-Strike: Source Only
- Just for fun!
- Enable/Disable classic style headshot ragdolls

ESL Plugin Befehle

Übersicht: Gameserver