CS2 Scrim

From CKRAS Wiki

Revision as of 11:27, 28 February 2024 by Ckras (talk | contribs)

CS2 Scrim is not working atm, see Github Project

CS2 Scrim Addon is combined with our COACH Addon and CKRAS BOT

We will replace the Coach Plugin, with this CS2 Scrim Addon - The Additonal Features below (List under Construction)

The alternative to this addion is the MatchZy Addon which is available in the Panel, see all Commands in this seperate Wiki Guide.

CS2 Scrim Addon

Version 1.0.4


  • Practice
    • Flash grenade
      • Flash feedback
      • Add .noflash toggle to cancel blind animation on all the players
    • Damage information on practice mode (player_hurt)
    • Added .last to teleport the individual latest grenade thrown lineup.
    • Spawn side optional argument (.spawn 1 <ct/t>)
  • Scrim
    • Coach
      • .coach can chose sides directly (.coach <ct/t>)
      • coach does not take the competitive spawns from the players
  • General
    • Add .rcon for admins
    • .ct .t .spec and .side to bypass team limit (focused on .coach issues)
    • Team switch will now be visible on chat
    • Modularity with a cfg to enable/disable features.


With CS2 Scrim you can use !spawns, !noflash, !coach in your pracs. Other Option to use this features for prac or scrim is MatchZy.

Available Commands

  • Config and server management (Admin only) .pracc: launch the practice config .scrim: start the competitive match .map <map>: change the map (example: .map ancient)
  • Scrim commands .pause: pauses the match .unpause: request the unpause
    • Coach .coach: switch to coach .uncoach: return as a player
    • Admin only .record: start the demo recording .stoprecord: finish the recording and save it under gotv/<date>.dem .restore <round>: load the desired round's backup .forceunpause: force the unpause
  • Practice commands .spawn: move to the desired competitive spawn i.e .spawn 2
  • Leveraged from CS2Fixes c_reload_admins: console command to reload admins.cfg .ban <player> <duration/0 (permanent)>: ban a player .unban <player>: remove ban of player .kick <player>: kick a player out of the server .gag <player> <duration>: forbids chat to player .ungag <player>: allow back a player that was gagged to chat .slay <player>: kills a player .noclip: toggles noclip to current player (practice mode)

CS2 - CKRAS BOT - MatchZy