
From CKRAS Wiki

Revision as of 11:25, 30 August 2024 by Ckras (talk | contribs)

Retakes is available our Webpanel - Retakes needs CounterStrikeSharp Plugin installed on your CS2 Gameserver, you cant use Retakes if you have installed for example MatchZy

If you have any suggestions or changes to the Retakes configuration, please let us know.

CS2 implementation of retakes written in C# for CounterStrikeSharp. Based on the version for CS:GO by Splewis.


Command Arguments Description Permissions
!forcebombsite <A / B> Force the retakes to occur from a single bombsite. @css/root
!forcebombsitestop Clear the forced bombsite and return back to normal. @css/root
!showspawns <A / B> Show the spawns for the specified bombsite. @css/root
!addspawn <CT / T> <Y / N (can be planter)> Adds a retakes spawn point for the bombsite spawns currently shown. @css/root
!removespawn Removes the nearest spawn point for the bombsite currently shown. @css/root
!nearestspawn Teleports the player to the nearest spawn. @css/root
!hidespawns Exits the spawn editing mode. @css/root
!mapconfig Forces a specific map config file to load. @css/root
!mapconfigs Displays a list of available map configs. @css/root
!scramble Scrambles the teams next round. @css/admin
!voices Toggles whether or not to hear the bombsite voice announcements.
css_debugqueues SERVER ONLY Shows the current queue state in the server console.


Click install in the Webpanel


To Update Retake please click the "Update" button in the webpanel, see screenshot

Retake Update - HOW TO


Can be done via FTP on your one belongings

We install the additional addons by default:

Instadefuse and the Allocator from "Yonis".

Any Questions, get in touch