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CKRAS provides a free database for your gameserver. Certain plugins such as MatchZy offer additional features such as "statistics" when you connect a database. In this guide we will show you what you need to configure and where you can find the access data for the included free database for your gameserver.

Using MySQL Database with MatchZy

To use MySQL Database with MatchZy, open csgo/cfg/MatchZy/database.json file. It's content will be like this:

    "DatabaseType": "SQLite",
    "MySqlHost": "your_mysql_host",
    "MySqlDatabase": "your_mysql_database",
    "MySqlUsername": "your_mysql_username",
    "MySqlPassword": "your_mysql_password",
    "MySqlPort": 3306

Webinterface | CS2 | MatchZy